Livero is especially designed for liver problems like Pleeha vridhi, Kamla, Jalodhar, Afra, etc. Feel free to use it because It is made with 100% pure herbals and there is no side effects of it. Ingredients to make this solution are Kutki, Kalmegh, Bhrangraj, Giloy, Punarva, etc. Packing- 200ml, Dosage- 1 to 2 tablespoon three times in a day.
A Perfect Liver Protective Tonic
- Lipotropic, Hepato – Protective Agent
- Depletes Fat Accumulation in liver
- Increases apptite and spares methionine for Body Building
- Enhances Hepato-biliary flo for greater availability of Bile in Gut
- Increase fat Emulsification, Tansport and Utilization
- Normalizes Peristalsis and eases evacuation
Indications :
- Jaundice
- Fatty Liver Conditions
- Hepatitis
- Anamia
- Pre hepato-cirrhotic conditions
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