Aloe vera juice is very useful in Skin problems, Mouth ulcer, Constipation, Hair problems, Gas problems, Pain, Diabetes, etc. It also boost immunity system, Liver health, Kidney health. There is no side effect of it because it is 100% ayurvedic and it is made with 100% pure herbals. The ingredients used in this juice are vitamin AB1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E, Folic acid, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potesium, etc. Packing- 500ml, Dosage- 10ml to 20ml two times in a day.
Indications: 1. Detoxity The Body 2. Hydrates The Skin 3. Lowers High Cholestrol 4. Supports Immune System 5. Stabilizes Blood Sugar 6. Soothes Arthritis Pain 7. Protects The Body From Stress 8. Prevents Kidney Stones
9. Cooling And Reparing Sunburn Skin 10. Reduces High Blood Pressure 11. Physically And Mentally Weakness 12. Strengthens Gums And Promotes Strong & Healthy Teeth.
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